Both posted on the same day. Both semi addressing the same issue.
The numbers and statistics are just that: numbers and statistics. Until we see these precious daughters of the King as our mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, cousins, friends. Nothing is going to change. Solving World hunger may be an issue close to your heart but if you have never gone a day without food, can you really perceive the depth of the situation?
When my husband and I went to Amsterdam last year, we got a first hand glance at what the red light district was. It was not how people made it sound. Exotic women, mystery, seduction. What I saw made my heart sink, eyes water, and urge to pray with and hug those women rise. Numerous little body windows lined each side of the river. Girls would strut, tease and attempt to lure men into their little back rooms for a cheap thrill. This is not a one time deal. Women are usually in this job for life. They spend $100 a night just to occupy the window.
"Netherlands is listed by the UNODC as a primary country of destination for victims of human trafficking,[7] and city authorities are very worried about Amsterdam's current situation: "We've realized this is no longer about small-scale entrepreneurs but that big crime organizations are involved here in trafficking women, drugs, killings and other criminal activities," said Job Cohen, the former mayor of Amsterdam.[8]
The vast majority of the prostitutes from De Wallen are foreigners, as are their pimps and human traffickers. More than 75% of Amsterdam's prostitutes are from Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia, according to a former prostitute who produced a report about the sex trade." (
Seeing those women first hand made me so thankful for my husband. Also, that I was sheltered enough to not be a draft pick for some human trafficker's starting line up. The call to protect has never been higher. This situation can be thrown on anyone. It doesn't just exist on the other side of the world. This slavery exists under our very noses. We need to wake up and begin fighting this epidemic with more than just pity. If school shootings in our country speed up legistation in our country for stricter gun laws, shouldn't "missing" women and the fact that the Super Bowl is the biggest day for sex trafficking in the world be cause enough to do something?.
Coupled with the pornography industry, when you consider every second, 28,258 Internet users are viewing nude images of somebody’s daughter, it’s more than disturbing. Source
If that doesn't send a chill through you and spur you to take action, then maybe you should examine your life. The luxuries of food, money, a bed, sunlight, a shower, clean clothes, condoms, a passport, the ability to speak to other people outside your brothel, and non-abusive situations are things trafficked women do not have.
When Christine Cain, Founder of the A21 campaign, was talking to some rescued women and telling them about the love of God. One women reacted with anger and questioned, "Why didn't you come sooner?"
"Why didn't you come sooner?"
Even if you cannot physically be rescuing this women out of these horrid situations, you can help support the ministries and missions of places that can. If we poured money into this cause the same way we pour money into having the newest i-contraption, favorite sports teams, or Starbucks caffeine kick, we could make a considerable dent in the fight against slavery.
In our Nations, the Family needs to be brought back fore-front. Wholesome, loving, noble, and beautiful things need to be sown into our children's lives daily. The power of love and the power of a place in the family can be catalysts for change.
There are many organizations dedicated to ending human trafficking. You can become a sponsor of one today. Any size contribution is still a contribution. Do something in this life that will have eternal significance for someone you may never meet.
“Our daughters are precious, intrinsically valuable and deserve better — they deserve to be cherished and protected.” -Amy Gerwing
A21 stands for Abolishing Slavery in the 21st Century.
Company Overview
issue of human trafficking can be overwhelming to say the least. It's
true..."someone SHOULD do something", so we have decided to take
responsibility and put up our hand up...if for no other reason than just
because we have a hand to raise and a heart that's willing to make a
difference. We have decided to become that "someone". This is why we
created The A21 Campaign. We can ALL play a part in fighting
injustice... it is the only way we can win.
The A21 Campaign stands for abolishing injustice in the 21st century. Anyone can join - everyone can make a difference
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